Join us in championing a culture of abuse-free sports for all.
Together, we can make sports in schools, camps, and communities truly safe, inclusive, and empowering.
Our action plan
Ending abuse begins with education. Learn about human rights and types of maltreatment to prevent, identify, and respond to abuse.
Proactively protecting participants from potential abuse continues with acknowledging the impact of power imbalances, fostering a culture of safety, and putting in place structures and systems to prevent abusive behaviours.
Identifying abuse can be challenging, as it can take many different forms and may not always be overt. By staying vigilant and informed about how abuse occurs, we can work towards creating a safe and supportive environment for all.
Responding to incidents of abuse begins with the survivor. It is important to recognize that reporting abuse can be a difficult and traumatic process. Responding to abuse requires compassion and legal reporting.
“As a teacher and a coach, [teacher-coaches are] in a position of trust and authority and [are] expected to ensure a safe space for students by maintaining professional boundaries.”
— Ontario College of Teachers v. Desson, 2023